Earlier this week I was driving, glanced up and saw the beautiful Autumn trees hanging over the street (love these types of streets) and had to capture it, later that night I said to my husband “how have I never realized how pretty Autumn is?” and it dawned on me that I’ve always been so super busy with life that I’d been missing so much beauty around us.....
Sometimes when we scale right back and actually follow what really inspires us and gives us purpose we discover SO much more. The lifestyle I've created now is allowing me to enjoy special moments, I choose who I'm going to spend my time with and do what I want to, not what I HAVE to do. I truly feel like I'm living a life by design instead of default. I’m not saying you have to drop everything and do an Elizabeth Gilbert (author of Eat Pray Love) but I feel like looking back I was rushing around so much and not enjoying life to its fullest. I wasn’t putting limits in place and saying NO enough to things. Are you someone who says YES to everything all the time then goes into overwhelm? Are you the employee who always does the extra unpaid hours without being rewarded? (totally been there!) Are you the employer who is working 80+ hour weeks missing out on family time because you haven’t learnt to delegate? Are you burning the candle at both ends then suddenly gets wiped out with a migraine or sickness? Unfortunately, people are very quick to label it as being “selfish” But did you know in the Mandarin language, there are two words for "selfish" — and how one-word means "to be greedy or hoarding", and how the other word means "to do something good for yourself”
So please be good to yourself, think about what you can improve on, where you should say NO more, scale back and enjoy life xx
Since launching Rebecca Smith I've had a lot of people reach out to me and asked me about how it was designed, the branding and implementation. Like I said pre launch the idea first came to me back when my son was 3 months old, we were heading interstate for a week alongside my husband on a business trip and the ideas starting flowing. I then returned back to corporate for 12 months (gained more blog content) reassessd what were my values now being a Mummy, my passions, all while listening to so many women who thought so similar to me and I worked towards transitioning out of corporate for good. With my message clear and business concept in mind, I reached out to Jessica Longmore award-winning creative designer from Life By Design to help bring it all to life. From initial concept, colours, layout, creating the design of digital communication, mail chimp integration, social media marketing to the beautiful website you see today. It was such a pleasure working with the team, they really ensured they captured the essence of what I was wanting to market and making sure visually it worked, collaborating on each stage showed me how committed they were to delivering exceptional work. So if you need help with a brand, marketing or digital contact the team jessica@life-by-design.com.au
Enjoy your weekend xx
Sitting here post holiday, a little tired from catching a late night flight home then playing with our full-of-beans-toddler and reflecting on how beneficial it is taking time out. Planning 6 days away from our busy schedules, ensuring our son was looked after, routines were adhered to and trying to get excited for a trip to Bali in our biggest social month ever was never going to be easy. A couple of time I did catch myself thinking I'm not sure we can pull this off.... but we did and now feeling so grateful that we pushed through the thinking of "its too hard" thinking. Yes we missed our little son, but as a couple it was the first time we had both been away from him for longer than a night. We laughed so hard, ate and drank extremely well, relaxed, scooted around and discovered new places together. I floated about on giant inflatable swans and alternated between 2 amazing books. We were with an incredible group of like minded people, for our good friends 30th birthday staying in a stunning villa, we all clicked immediately, even doing morning work outs together LOL! I've come back with my batteries recharged, clearer focus, grateful for the trip away, the memories, good dose of vitamin D (lots of sunscreen was applied!) and ready to book our next trip in. A glance up at my Yearly Planner reminds me I have my next trip away at the end of this month, so imperative to plan out your time, especially holidays even if you don't like to travel or think its too hard you need time for YOU!! If your getting stuck with how to make time for you, and the thought of planning a holiday this year doesn't seem possible I would love you to download my free ebook where I share 3 tips to get you started xx