For such a time as this.....

In our house we have kept the chatter quite light at home around why they can't be in school, attend sports or birthday parties scheduled. Despite how much my husband and I completely disagree with lockdown – I refuse to have the conversation constantly centred around what is happening, we don’t watch the news and if it comes up we just say it’s what the government have decided


Feeling so much heartache for lives impacted around us, people’s income halted, and people just not coping, the stats shared and families separated from loved ones is heartbreaking.

Lockdowns increase feelings of stress, anxiousness and many other feelings. It is important to acknowledge them and not put extra pressure on yourself during these times to be or do anything. 

Here are some oil suggestions and tips to help support you during lockdown. 



When you feel the feelings of stress and anxiousness rise, take two minutes to breathe.



Exercise as often as you can during your lockdown. Exercise is known to bump up the level of endorphin production, improves your mood, and helps you move past the day’s irritations. 



Ensure that you get enough sleep sufficient amounts of rest provide bodies with an opportunity to recover from the day’s activity, improve energy levels, and reduce the effects of stress


If you are experiencing mental health issues please seek support from a health professional and if you are struggling, reach out to a friend or an organisation like Lifeline for support. 



You can apply any of these oils to your temples, wrists, or the back of your neck in times when you need to quickly ease stressful or anxious feelings or add them to the diffuser for the benefit of the whole household. 


Lavender Peace - includes essential oils Cedarwood, Ho Wood and Vetiver renowned for their soothing and calming properties. Pop in the diffuser for a relaxing environment. 

Vetiver – has calming, grounding effect on the emotions, it can also be rubbed on the feet before bedtime to promote a sense of relaxation,

Balance – containing Frankincense and Blue Tansy creates a sense of calm and well-being, apply it to your wrists or neck to ease anxious feelings

ADAPTIV - helps you adapt to the daily twists, turns, and stresses of life or whenever you crave an environment that is free of overwhelm and full of calm. 

All these have been a HUGE support for me and help me feel better


DM me know if I can support you with some of these to help you too x

Melbourne 4.0.png

Thrive or Survive

This year now on reflection has taught me that I had waaaay too much on my plate, I kind of knew that but then pile on lock down, working from home within 40cm of Mr Smith, home schooling and my little people home it was pretty intense for awhile there.

I know other people who had more on their plates and handled it, others had less on their plates struggled and others thrived - ie one person I know lost 20kgs

I think the biggest take away that nearly everyone I speak to has said we realized what was really important, and going forward what could be let go of, habits to break and what we didn’t need to put back in our lives.

2021 is looking a lot leaner and I’m going to be very conscious for it to stay that way and enjoy what really matters and what I’m passionate about.

I have some exciting things in the pipeline for all my essential oil lovers as that area absolutely thrived, but for now I hope you can take some time away with your loved ones, count all your blessings and wrap up 2020



Keeping Calm

In our house we’re now juggling a few extra things more than usual (hence the lack of social posts) ...its amazing the difference of an area organized that helps me keep calm for me its toys in tubs, clear table & bench top - I know lots of people are in the same boat.

So many people throw the word “busy” around far too much almost like a badge of honor you know the type you ask how they are and then for the next 15mins (no joke) they talk about themselves almost trying to justify or impress their life is busier waiting for some sort of acknowledgement from you? also generally the ones who are waiting for likes on social media …

Fascinates me every time

Personally I’m trying to eliminate the “b” word (busy) from my vocabulary because this juggling is becoming our norm - everyone’s capacity and ability is different - some people can only work 1 one day a week vs others I know have multiple children at home + running business’s!!

So this is my reminder to you - make sure you do the things that help you keep sane while your juggling

Have a great week xx


Invest in yourself

As most of you know I’m on the most fascinating journey of cutting out toxic things in my life and almost re discovering how to be kind to myself and most importantly how to nourish the body – its not to judge if your not, or even convert but just to encourage everyone to really look at what your consuming, spraying, using, eating etc – educate yourself and if you want to I can help you make the switch

Two books have really stopped me in my tracks and just re evaluate things, so when my friend asked if I wanted to head away to Bali I didn’t think twice -   I got to nourish what was good for my soul. Sun, silence, uninterrupted sleep, beautiful food, walks, drinks, laughs (oh boy did my cheeks hurt so hard from laughing) discovering new places, yoga, reading just to name a few…

Basically closing some of the many tabs I run around with constantly open - as a Mum you never ever really switch off so there was daily face time calls to see how my boys were doing/eating/what the were wearing lol

But honestly a 6 hour delay getting home nearly wound me back up again – watching the times on the departure screens getting later and later the stress of us both trying to organise how the hell we were going to get home, ( lets just say the birds where nearly up when I walked in the door) the tension started building at the back of my neck, behind my eyes started pounding – I pulled out Frankincense aka referred to as “King of Oils” , its grounding, promotes feelings of relaxation  and one of my go to's for headaches, a couple of drops in my palms, deep breaths and then rubbed into my neck + Past Tense (helps to ease muscle tension & reduce stress) another incrediable oil for those almost migraine like headaches, rolled onto the base of my neck and I actually dabbed a teeny tiny bit on my temples - trust me its strong so your blinking away the smell but boy did it kick in!

Followed by lots of water and a little shop we were good when it was time to board and head home. Plus we felt super grateful we were heading home and not stuck for a few days like we had heard was happening to some travellers.

Things are still moving at a fast pace in our household and I was a bit tired for a few days (maybe a week) after I landed but a much happier version than when I left.


It’s always a good idea to invest in yourself




Finding alternatives

My journey into alternative products started when I joined my girlfriend at a Baby Expo over 5years ago, we were introduced to non-toxic, plant based cleaning products. Ever since then always being mindful of what we were using not only in the house, because we would be breathing it in, but also on our skin and consuming*. Fast forward having our eldest son, my husband passed me a number and said, “why don’t you call her, this lady does essential oils has young children (comes from a medical background) but uses the oils instead of always pumping in Panadol all the time” Fair to say I was keen to learn more and I’ve loved adding this to our daily life. Forever researching different remedies, blends for our household and sharing with my friends. Of course, we still see our GP when needed, but’s nice to know I can turn to my natural first aid first, and yes, we still get little sniffles, coughs, tummy bugs but honestly, they last less than half the time and I have my happy boys back in no time.

Mr Smith is a bit slower to switching his products, it’s a work in progress, however I know he can see how well they work because the other night Mr4 was coughing, quite upset we both rushed in hugged him and then he said, “you get the oils while I stay with him” (heart bursting!)

Given its almost 10 days until I’m off to Bali to escape this arctic Winter packing my diffuser and travel oils is a must, I was introduced over 2 years ago and now I barely leave home without it, as a working Mummy with 2 very active boys, tantrums, tears, bumps, bruises and sometimes losing my S*** these are a god send! ⠀

If you want to know more please reach out or if someone has already been sharing with you please go back and chat with them :)

All my fellow Melbournians rug up and keep warm this weekend



*Please know I’m far from perfect, I do love sweets, known to do a maccas run and love cheeky drink or too!


Being Present

Originally, I was trying to get a photo of my two boys, posed, polished, filtered, them both looking at me but THIS captures them perfectly where they are - Mr 4 curious and forever exploring, G defiant and so set in his ways already. The fact they are walking in opposite directions sums it up, you see even though they look similar boy are the so different.

A simple thing like walking to the shops or local park, in one’s mind might seem simple enough? So wrong! It normally starts off Mr 4 riding his bike off ahead whereas Baby G is lagging behind me because he’s going into everyone’s garden and up to their front door. When we do finally arrive at the shops baby G bolts off down an aisle and Mr 4 is lagging behind getting a shopping basket and that spilt second, I need to find both at once. You can imagine what it’s like trying to get through the register.

Heading home Mr 4 is normally over riding his bike so off loads the bike to me and slowly drags his feet home and Baby G wants to bolt home – arriving home can feel like a marathon but without the rest? The alternative is not heading out and having my couch turned into a jumping castle which 99.9% of the time results in one of them bouncing off, tears and my house ripped apart by 2 mini cyclones. Forget taking phone calls I took 2 calls yesterday and it was too many I ended up locking myself in the Laundry cause I’m sure it sounded like I was running some Family Day Care/doing renovations to the callers!

So, apologies to all those not getting calls answered and barely responses to sms, I’m trying to be in 2 places at once, I’m trying to present but not perfect.

Have a great week


My darlings who I love immensely thru the exhaustion you cause me

My darlings who I love immensely thru the exhaustion you cause me

Hot Beverages

Nothing strange about hot beverages? Why would I choose to title this blog something that makes perfect sense? Wrong! Hot beverages is now a luxury, its up there with 3 hour massages or a sleep in until your body decides to wake you – I think if was given the opportunity to have the later one I may sleep for about 7 days straight LOL

I wish I never took for granted the enjoyment of a hot coffee, holding it in your hands nice and tight feeling the warmth and taking a couple sips at a time… now my choices are to drink it like a shot or I by the time I get to it and it’s a ice coffee and I prefer my ice coffee’s while holidaying in Dubai on a 45degree day not a windy Melbourne morning. 

Let me introduce you to my new best friend the T2 Stainless Steel Flask  (well not really my friends would be horrified that they’ve been replaced by a flask but you get the point!) I was given this as a gift at Christmas, used it here and there for cold drinks but OMG when I tried my first HOT beverage in it no joke first couple times I burnt my lips cause it keeps the heat so bloody well!  I’m serious the website says 6hours but in store they say up to 10hours!  With Mothers Day around the corner this gift would def make you the golden child if you aren’t already he he or buy one for yourself (remember I warned you about it keeping super hot tho!) my regular readers should know me by now that I’m not going to rave about something that’s not eco friendly or absolutely amazing!

Happy Shopping 


(ps not a sponsored post I just REALLY appreciate HOT drinks)


Mummy Guilts

So this year I was away for Mr4's actual birthday even though he had a party, and a Mummy Son day when I returned I still had a little twinge that I wasn't there.

Before I left I said to Mr Smith "you'll need to bake cupcakes and send into Kindy with him including a list of ingredients in them because there are children with allergies" (his eyes suddenly glazing over) ....but you guessed it I forgot to remind him when I was away argghhh

Last night's chat, once boys were in bed did include me convincing myself that "it was so fine we forgot"  and declined Mr Smiths offer to make a batch of cupcakes...

But this morning doing the Kindy drop off I got the little twinge that he missed out on celebrating with his Kindy friends. So you guessed it I'm waiting for the 2nd batch of no wheat, no dairy, no nut,  no gluten cupcakes to finish baking and will be dropping off for afternoon tea. 

Thats motherhood sometimes you win other times your just have to roll with it

Have a great weekend





This week I had a blog post ready to go… but was completely shattered and cried so many tears reading about precious little Alby’s (@the.small.folk) life taken too way soon. A few weeks ago a beautiful Mumma who I met over a year ago, pregnant with her second baby boy sharing the journey on insta while keeping up with a toddler aka exhausting – a few weeks ago she too held her darling Aksel (@lifewithsarahjade) in her arms and heartbreakingly had to say goodbye. My heart has had so much sadness for these Mummas’s and cried so many tears for them both but in all the tears and grief it’s not even close to what they are feeling, every minute of every day, and as a Mummy you would do ANYTHING to have your children back in your arms.

My one prayer for them both is that they can feel all the love being sent to them from so many people, all the tears being cried, and heart ache for those beautiful boys taken but never forgotten. There are so many opinions about people on social media, but I think many would agree in times like these its incredible how we can come together show our love and support for those who are hurting so much at the moment.

Hold your loved ones a little tighter and don’t take for granted for a minute what you have


This version

Its been a while since my last post, ….. in our house we've celebrated a few milestones, Mr Smith’s 40th, Baby G’s 1st birthday, and our 5 year wedding year anniversary. This video says so much about who I am now. If you had told the white blonde haired, organized, flight attendant 10 years ago this would be her life she would of laughed and probably taken a nap because the sound of it all exhausted her. Raising 2 boys under 3, exercising, catching PT, camping, not eating meat/dairy, cooking, functioning on broken sleep (Mr 3’s turn to keep us awake atm) just to name a few… oh and my organization skills ?... some days we are on time, spare outifts, nappies and snacks packed … other times I miss baptisms and 1st Birthdays JUST TERRIBLE!! (insert palm on face emoji)

I much prefer this version of me now who can cry and share when its really really crappy, my friends call me out when I’m being a pain in the butt or laugh when I stuff up and don’t turn up to things! That’s life tho, and this is my life real raw and without filters!


Hope you have a great week




New Habits

Go to Sleep School they said it will be great HA! I liken it to Bootcamp … first day is great, you sleep like a log as you would after your first session of Bootcamp then BAM every session after that tests you physically emotionally & mentally!!


Day 2 of Sleep School waking after 12 hours sleep was horrible – felt like jet lag, headachey, I felt like I was a zombie….  it was as if I’d over slept???


Then it was game on and seeing who could win the resettle battles between Me and a 10month old…. Lets just say this boy has stamina, puts up a good fight and super stubborn (nothing like me right?!) but in his defence he has had 10months of missing nap times due to Mr 3’s activities and doesn’t like to miss out so during the day so 45min naps was all he was doing ugghhhh.


It was tough when trying to resettle my strong willed boy standing out side his door and other Mummy’s glancing out their room hoping he didn’t wake their sleeping babies. But as one of the beautiful nurses put it “ the other babies are all aged between 2-6months old and haven’t developed little habits like Grayson yet” lucky me!


Weve now been home 5 days since sleep school, was I even more exhausted when I checked out compared to the day we were admitted YES, but weve had some little wins since being home like SLEEPING THRU THE NIGHT again so totally worth it… Also takes 21 days to form a new habit we are only 9 days in so still a work-in-progress and I now I just have to work out how to function on having too much sleep again :)


Have a great weekend





Gravel & Razors


A long weekend in a Mums world basically is more days with an extra pair of hands and while some started Sunday morning smiling for an extra couple days off to relax, ours was nothing but relaxing -  in our house 4 people were getting ready to leave the house, and camp for 2 nights so basically packing for 2 hours.. in that time our boys were left alone unsupervised for prob about 30seconds playing on the floor of the shower. About 10mins later I was feeding G and discovered that in that 30seconds unsupervised Mr 3 had shaved parts of GG’s hair off!!! (please hold the judgement as we have no idea where he got the razor from but grateful it was just hair)

First night camping, Mr 4 went to bed fine he has camped before but Grayson wouldn’t have a bar of it resulted in VERY little sleep + ALOT of non-PG-words from me. Spent the next day hanging out with Mr Smiths god children, school drop off, bakery treats, discovering cool playgrounds and got a feel for life with 3 little ones (relax no announcement coming).

Then heading back, driving along the country roads Mr 3 yells out "I need to do weeeee's", we pull over, I open the door then

“NOW MUMMY” I go to run around to let him out my feet slide out from underneath me and THUD chin first into gravel and I hear from the ground from Mr 3

“MUMMMYYYY ” then “ ME TOOO” pips in Poppy.

I yell to Mr Smith pulling my face from the ground

 “Get the kids out quick” he yells back "where are you???" 

I slowly stand cupping my chin I can see blood in my hand and sit in the drivers seat. Watching 2 little ones pee in the bush, tears springing in my eyes as Mr Smith pulled out tiny rocks imbedded in my palm - then all back in our seats and continue our drive. Post 4 day weekend -  G has bald patches on his head, I have a big scar on my chin, 1 jarred neck, exhausted, not camping with 4 until G is at least 10.


Hope you backed a winner xx

Ps heres the amazing product I mentioned in my Insta story that helped me have movement back in my neck again

Hair - Big Bro Saxon

Hair - Big Bro Saxon

The Baby Bubble again...

Wow! G is 8.5months and I only just feel like I'm emerging the baby bubble for the second time... I remember with Mr 3 it took me a couple months to not feel like in a haze... but this time round its taken so much longer. Although as I'm typing this my eyes are hazey as my day started at 4:30am today urgh. We were super strict on routine with Mr 3.5yr, but have only just got into a semi-flexible-routine with the 2 boys and I'm now starting to feel human again. A couple other curve balls thrown at us and for a few months if you got a reply to sms, or an answered call you were in luck and it was prob super short I was in survival mode. I really missed my friends, and a few received a "sorry i've been a crap friend, I'll be back soon but just deep in motherhood" message. Things are still crazy, only pockets of time free here and there but my skill of being productive with time as gone to another level. The moment you become a mother you start to learn so many things about your body, strength, mentally and physically and forever learning new things about your little one. So thank you to all my friends who still reached out to me while I was in my second baby bubble being the best mum I could be to my 2 beautiful boys who are daily teaching me things even when I'm super tired its all worth it!

Have a great weekend 



Strong Enough

A couple months ago I found myself saying “I can’t do it anymore, I’m not as strong as others who have been going longer than me on broken sleep” but then a close friend said

“ its got nothing to do with you being strong at all the human body is not designed to go for long periods of time on broken sleep, you need sleep to recover, rest physically and mentally”

Wow here I was beating myself up that I was only able to last 6 months on broken sleep with a toddler and a baby still breastfeeding 4 times a day, I"d been comparing to so many Mummys around me who have been doing it for years. I thought that because I had only lasted 6 months I wasn’t strong enough, that others were stronger, had more grit and stamina and I was weak…talk about the Mummy guilts!

I'm glad someone pulled me up on it and I realised it wasn't about being strong at all, it was about functioning on broken sleep. We tweaked a few things and Baby G is sleeping through the night.

Right now I have a toddler throwing a tantrum about dinner I've served up, a baby refusing his afternoon nap, and a washing machine beeping at me, having unbroken sleep makes it all a bit more bearable ...will still need a wine tho, so be kind to yourself your stronger than you think!

Have a great weekend 

Ps. this week has been lots of broken sleep due to teething baby but at least I'm not feeling crap about it all now!




I get it

I used to wonder why when I was child free and offered to help my friends with kids they would simply just smile and say "I'm all good but thanks" I get it now.

I used to think they didn't want any help and almost got offended by them not taking me up on my offer. But I get it now, sometimes.... its just easier to do it yourself. Don't get me wrong having another pair of hands is great, but can almost make things worse/exhausting. Because your having to explain how to do things ... for example I share what pyjamas Mr 3 is preferring, but wait you can't find them so I then look and find them (in under 30 seconds), and now that I've found them I may as well dress him. Or the time I asked Mr Smith to put away baskets of washing for the boys that had been piling up.... you would think its straight forward ummm nope it went something like this "With Grayson's clothes as your going through check all the sizes anything that has a faint stain needs to go in a pile so I can re soak it, anything that is size 000 needs to go in another pile to be stored away or donated, except if they are Bonds Wondersuits they can be stretched out a bit longer, anything that is 00/0 can stay and go away but not any Pure Baby cause they are on the small side......and on it went for another 5mins and my husband thinking I'd gone mad! A few weeks ago Mr Smith was making breaky and dished up toast to Mr 3 without any conversation...

Mr 3 stared down in horror at the toast "Not rectangles Daddy, I don't like them, I like triangles" I hadn't managed to share this weeks toast rules but luckily 5 mins later Mr Smith had talked him down and very quickly turned them into little triangles... Sometimes its just easier, I get it, sometimes I wish the simple tasks didn't have such a detailed instruction list to go with it but they do at the moment... and always always offer either rectangle, squares or triangles when doing toast!!!

Have a great week xx


Today I choose JOY

Last 24hrs we’ve had little ones unwell, bed linen changed multiple times, as well as jarmies, a few “rinse off’s” in the shower. My husband woke to the sound of projectile vomit all over me as opposed to the sound of his alarm waking him it’s been a very “messy” 12 hours but amidst it all I choose JOY ….

Fast forward a couple hours, food has been kept down by all, 4 loads of washing are hung trying to dry (my washing machine has never done so many loads in one day!) and prayerfully all on the mend.

This is life with kids, sick kids and 2 little ones under the age 3.5yrs. It’s hard, but worth it. Definitely the hardest job in the world although some people think there are harder jobs (rolling eyes)

But today I choose JOY, joy in the little things, I can be home to look after them, hug, hold and be there for them. Roof over our heads, food in the cupboards, clean clothes, sun is shining and incredible friends and family that support us when it gets a bit much. And who drop VERY appreciated goodies to my door when housebound!!

Now off to watch Despicable Me with Mr 3.5 before Baby G wakes up and he wants my attention too … the filter in the laundry machine can wait to empty out of chunks later #motherhood


Have a great week xx


Multitasking the Norm

The other day I sms my friend apologizing for the weird sms filled with words that hadn't been autocorrected she received cause I was multitasking when I hit submit ... her reply was spot on "Isn't that just the norm now with kids?" Literally shoving food in, typing this, watching the clock cause in 5mins my Mr3 needs to be woken and Baby G will need to be also woken for a feed, dishwasher & washing machine both beeping at me to be emptied and lets not start on the state of my house LOL. This my life everyday no more sitting on the couch with only the sound of the television for hours on end, brain never switching off thinking, planning ahead, making use of all the pockets of time spare to things. Your skill of always using the minutes and hours in your day goes to another level. The last few weeks with my husband away def pushed me, some days beat me and other days I was super proud of all I achieved with 2 little ones and down an extra pair of hands esp when Mr3 shared a tummy bug with me!  I know I needed a couple of days to switch off (a little, never fully off as a Mummy!) so couple days at Crown Metropol was very much appreciated! Single-tasking is a distant memory and for all those who don't have kids enjoy those single tasking moments.... those who have kids can totally relate!! 

Be kind to yourself and try and relax if your constantly multitasking you deserve it!

Have a great weekend 


Relaxing from the multi multi tasking

Relaxing from the multi multi tasking

The Adventure Begins...

Today as we say goodbye at the airport to my amazing husband, best friend and amazing Daddy as he commences his big adventure ... Mr Smith heads off to climb Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa which is ticking off his bucket lists climbing the highest peaks in the world. This is his 40th Birthday gift to himself ( I know he looks so much younger!!) but what is really special about this birthday is he doesn't want a huge party or gifts but has instead asked people to donate what they would of spent to sponsoring a beautiful young girls education in Tanzania. We feel so blessed that we can afford to make a difference in another's life and we will continue paying until she has completed all her education just as we will do with our own children.  If you haven't yet donated you can click here

I'll be sure to post piccys of the trek and of course meeting young Hereith!

Thanking you all for your support xx


Quick family snap before we headed to the airport xx

Quick family snap before we headed to the airport xx

Why I make time to train

Less than 10 degrees walking into PT with these 2 this morning. Is it almost mission impossible to get all of us fed, dressed, snacks/toys packed and in the car by 7:50am ABSOLUTELY! Would I of done this pre kids? no way! I would of probably stayed in bed or had a 30 minute uninterrupted hot shower instead. Having two means I'm never switched off, even in my sleep I'm planning play dates and organisizing things! I make time to train so I'm strong mentally to handle the days that are relentless with 2 little ones close in age. I make time to train so I'm strong physically to keep up and be able to lift them up with ease when they need comforting or have precious cuddles. Its also important for them to see their Mummy keeping fit and active, I hadn't even thought of how powerful this until  a close friend of ours pointed it out...amazing huh? probably why she's Godmother to our little G! So even though I'm not a Winter person at all I'll keep at it they are my world and so worth it! Ps if your wondering how I manage the time to write these seen as tho I have no spare time? I've mastered the art of typing with one hand so many new skills you learn becoming a Mummy!!


Keep warm and have a fabulous week


My Boys My World

My Boys My World

Time for you

Going through any type of change is tough whether family financial work etc they all can have pros and cons ... we've had a few our end recently and I've def struggled! Have also not bothered with mascara some days so not to waste it with tears! Having a 3yr old & 4month old is def one thing testing me. So taking care mentally is super important - earlier this week, I had a day where it was tantrums all day from Mr 3 so after dinner - I stepped into the garage, music on and exercised no more than 30mins and felt so much better about it all! My husband also had a glass of red & some chocky ready (just being real!) . Honestly I'm not exercising to be a certain size post baby,  for me its purely having time out & strength to carry my boys. After having Mr 3 I didn't look after myself mentally or physically and really struggled dealing with everything so despite people trying to warn me off from exercising I know its super important I do! Plus I have an amazing instructor who knows how I train and what I'm capable of post baby. Before I had kids or even married I never thought I had the time to exercise I was "too busy" but the busier I get the more important it is to have this time to help me be strong physically but mentally. I still have my moments (hubby will vouch for that) but can handle them a bit better!


So how much time do you give yourself so you can mentally handle things better? 


Have a lovely weekend 
