For such a time as this.....
In our house we have kept the chatter quite light at home around why they can't be in school, attend sports or birthday parties scheduled. Despite how much my husband and I completely disagree with lockdown – I refuse to have the conversation constantly centred around what is happening, we don’t watch the news and if it comes up we just say it’s what the government have decided
Feeling so much heartache for lives impacted around us, people’s income halted, and people just not coping, the stats shared and families separated from loved ones is heartbreaking.
Lockdowns increase feelings of stress, anxiousness and many other feelings. It is important to acknowledge them and not put extra pressure on yourself during these times to be or do anything.
Here are some oil suggestions and tips to help support you during lockdown.
When you feel the feelings of stress and anxiousness rise, take two minutes to breathe.
Exercise as often as you can during your lockdown. Exercise is known to bump up the level of endorphin production, improves your mood, and helps you move past the day’s irritations.
Ensure that you get enough sleep sufficient amounts of rest provide bodies with an opportunity to recover from the day’s activity, improve energy levels, and reduce the effects of stress
If you are experiencing mental health issues please seek support from a health professional and if you are struggling, reach out to a friend or an organisation like Lifeline for support.
You can apply any of these oils to your temples, wrists, or the back of your neck in times when you need to quickly ease stressful or anxious feelings or add them to the diffuser for the benefit of the whole household.
Lavender Peace - includes essential oils Cedarwood, Ho Wood and Vetiver renowned for their soothing and calming properties. Pop in the diffuser for a relaxing environment.
Vetiver – has calming, grounding effect on the emotions, it can also be rubbed on the feet before bedtime to promote a sense of relaxation,
Balance – containing Frankincense and Blue Tansy creates a sense of calm and well-being, apply it to your wrists or neck to ease anxious feelings
ADAPTIV - helps you adapt to the daily twists, turns, and stresses of life or whenever you crave an environment that is free of overwhelm and full of calm.
All these have been a HUGE support for me and help me feel better
DM me know if I can support you with some of these to help you too x