The Adventure Begins...
Today as we say goodbye at the airport to my amazing husband, best friend and amazing Daddy as he commences his big adventure ... Mr Smith heads off to climb Mt Kilimanjaro in Africa which is ticking off his bucket lists climbing the highest peaks in the world. This is his 40th Birthday gift to himself ( I know he looks so much younger!!) but what is really special about this birthday is he doesn't want a huge party or gifts but has instead asked people to donate what they would of spent to sponsoring a beautiful young girls education in Tanzania. We feel so blessed that we can afford to make a difference in another's life and we will continue paying until she has completed all her education just as we will do with our own children. If you haven't yet donated you can click here
I'll be sure to post piccys of the trek and of course meeting young Hereith!
Thanking you all for your support xx