Mummy Guilts

So this year I was away for Mr4's actual birthday even though he had a party, and a Mummy Son day when I returned I still had a little twinge that I wasn't there.

Before I left I said to Mr Smith "you'll need to bake cupcakes and send into Kindy with him including a list of ingredients in them because there are children with allergies" (his eyes suddenly glazing over) ....but you guessed it I forgot to remind him when I was away argghhh

Last night's chat, once boys were in bed did include me convincing myself that "it was so fine we forgot"  and declined Mr Smiths offer to make a batch of cupcakes...

But this morning doing the Kindy drop off I got the little twinge that he missed out on celebrating with his Kindy friends. So you guessed it I'm waiting for the 2nd batch of no wheat, no dairy, no nut,  no gluten cupcakes to finish baking and will be dropping off for afternoon tea. 

Thats motherhood sometimes you win other times your just have to roll with it

Have a great weekend


