It Is What It Is

Today's blog is coming to you a little later than normal, because I couldn't decide on which topic until coming away from a phone call & lunch with my beautiful friends. I had a few ideas bubbling away but I'm mindful of being really authentic everytime I blog so it has to feel right before I start typing. At lunch we were sharing all things that life is throwing us at the moment, sharing the giggles along with giving the staff some entertainment cause we were being competitive with our lunches ... There is one saying that she always said, and has for all the years I've known her (10+years). When ever I hear someone else use it I'm like thats what Alikat always says... and I'm now using it more and more these days as I'm embracing a path that is a little different but there is nowhere else I'd rather be. Life is always going to throw you curve balls, stretch you, challenge you, really question whether your doing the right thing. Sometimes your superwoman, juggling a million things, then other times falling in a heap. If you come back to what's really important, the basics, in yoga they call it "back to self or back to your mat" you will give up the emotion and let go of things. Sometimes faster than other times. You realize what you should be giving your energy and emotions too like your loved ones, spouse, family and friends. You will without realising start to let go of things and friendships that are too negative and don't nourish your soul. Trust me I'm not perfect, there have been many heaps, tears, tantrums and really questioning why is this happening to me??  


But in those moments catching myself taking a deep breathe and saying 

 "It is what it is" 


Have a beautiful weekend xx


Ps my roasted pumpkin soup was the better choice :)