What are you deciding?
We create what we expect. The real battle takes place between your ears, in your mind. The mind is incredibly powerful. Never under estimate the power of your mind to create your reality. For better or for worse. It has the power to make you sick, to heal you, to make you more productive, happy and successful. It also has the power to make you frustrated, sad and fearful. Be the exception. Seize the power of your mind.
When you are negative your serotonin levels go down, causes you to feel sad and low, but if you wake up positive, ready to attack the day, grateful and abundant heart endorphins are released making you feel happy
I have 2 people in my life who have similar home lifes, juggling the same things however one person no matter what keeps focusing on what she has to be grateful for, is open to trying new things or ways of doing things, yes she has tough days but doesn’t constantly complain about them – whereas the other person that’s all they do, complain about how hard it is for them and tell me I would never be able to know the extent of what they battle. You can guess which one I talk to almost daily, spend time with and inspired by???
So tomorrow when you wake up, what kind of day are you going to have? You get to decide so what are you going to choose?
Have a lovely weekend