Postpartum Reality
So when swimming lessons came to an end last year being 8months pregnant I was sad but secretly happy because no one would have to see my post baby body anytime soon... BUT we had a make up class during the week and I had to take some deep breaths pull on my swimmers and jump back in the pool. This is a body that's 9weeks post having baby No2, having another csection, my tummy isn't super flat, still very soft, I'm still carrying an extra 6kgs & got stretch marks this pregnancy. I can't fit into all of my pre baby clothes, and have to really consider my clothes shopping atm, so I'm comfortable but also feeding friendly. When I was still in hospital recovering a nurse in hospital reminded me "It took you 9months to make that baby, and for your tummy muscles to stretch out that much so don't be too harsh on your body" Some bodies don't (some do) bounce back straight away and it's totally ok you grew a human and that is such a miracle in itself ☝️There's so much pressure to get your pre baby body back so thought I'd share what it can be like so people can be proud of their post partum bodies instead !! Even though it took confidence on my end to jump in the pool again (and post this picture eek!) the smile on my sons face during the lesson, while he showed me new things was so worth it!
Enjoy your week xx
Swimming Lesson + 9 weeks postpartum