Losing to a Toddler
See this beautiful angelic face?
If the camera had panned up to mine you would of seen look of deflated + big puffy red eyes from crying.
Losing a battle to a toddler when your tired/pregnant can be such a draining thing… you start off polite, warnings, sometimes pleading or bribery (no judgement please)......then you SNAP and before you know it both of you are crying (hormones DEF inflate the tears).
Today’s mornings post tantrum episode resulted in a missed swimming lesson, even tho the car was packed, all we had to do was get dressed and leave…. (45 minutes later of trying to dress a toddler I snapped) Then a "last resort" call to my husband which I’m sure wasn’t even audible through all the blubbering tears.
This particular photo was after a BIG morning of tantrums and once we got home he literally zonked out on the couch from exhaustion…. seems exhausting to throw tantrums? but let me assure you as a mummy/parent trying to keep your cool in public carry on with whatever task your trying to accomplish or well mannered conversation with sales assistant, whilst handling your tantrum-throwing-toddler is just as exhausting.
So I let this beautiful angelic face sleep off his tantrums as he needed it
So did I
Once my tears dried I took some deep breaths, trying not to label his actions as a stage “terrible twos” or “three-nager” taking each day is it comes. It can be hard but I love this little angelic face more than anything + its all part of the fun of being a parent :)
Have a lovely week