Clarity is to declutter
So earlier this week what started as tidying up the office, turned into a massive declutter and about 8 bags later of "stuff" I no longer needed, suddenly I was feeling lighter and thinking clearer.
In my ebook I share how I know a couple who have a double garage and they can barely fit one car in the garage, and I constantly hear how its on the list to clean it, or downsize the stuff next hard rubbish day – but honestly they would need a good couple of weeks to go through everything before even knowing what to throw away.
For a healthy mind, body and soul, you have to determine what roles that clutter plays in your life. People usually hang on to material belongings for security and comfort, but sometimes letting go of the emotional baggage that comes with all those material things will allow people to enjoy more quality of life.
As you declutter your home, not only do you get to clean up and create more space, you also clear your mind of all the stress that comes with it.
If you feel like you need to do some decluttering I have a couple of check lists to help you get started in my free ebook 3 TIPS TO FREE UP MORE TIME
"Clarity is to declutter, clarity is to put things where they belong and remove things getting in the way"
Have a lovely weekend