Time to give up being perfect
Today’s blog is for all the perfectionists, you know who you are, always over thinking, hesitate about doing things unless you will deliver to an exceptional sometimes unrealistic level. You always have to be absolute perfect otherwise there’s no way you tell anyone otherwise. Such unnecessary pressure! Don’t get me wrong I like things to be right, studying ballet as a little girl its very much about perfecting movements to make it look so effortless and graceful. Also throw in all the expectations and judgment when you become a Mummy! I know people who haven’t pursued a business because they couldn’t get it looking perfect. But if they stopped trying to please everyone and putting crazy expectations on themselves they would actually be pretty amazing!
You, yourself do not have to be perfect to be successful in life or business, just start and keep going no matter what, block out the negativity (who cares what other people think!) and be sure to get advice from the right people, actually that’s a whole other blog post :)
People crave to see other normal people being successful!
So use today, the start of the new financial year to start and don’t stop
Have a lovely weekend