Hi Lovely let me tell you a little about me …

I’m married, mamma to 3 little ones who literally keep me on my toes but they are my absolute world. I’m a low tox educator, oil obsessesd, gentle attachment parent consuming organic as much as we can - but it hasn’t always been that way…. when I was home on maternity leave with my first born FIRSTLY I quickly discovered its not at all like some people portray on Instagram so I started to blog my experiences of raising little ones, no filter working and the juggling - dropping a few balls along the way. SECONDLY I discovered the painfulness of buying and trying to source non toxic, or chemical ridden products for my son. I was introduced to essential oils and tried them because I had this nagging gut feeling that pumping him with panadol and nurofen for teething can’t be right? That’s when my journey with essential oils began, looking into what medications we use, without thinking reach for, the products we use on our selves and in our home. I’m far from having it all together and still swapping out products and educating my family the reasons why - so I’ll keep sharing what I’m learning along the way, but I strongly believe health is wealth and I hope that comes through xx